Thursday, February 02, 2006


Well I've recently discovered, that i am the Queen of karma. Not meaning that all crap that hits the fan shoots at me but at other people. You get me.. I got u back 10 times worse, no lie just ask some of the victims of my mischiveious doings *yea i know i spelled it wrong, and je n'em fiche(i dont care*.

Not im saying i am mean all the time, but first impressions, mean alot to me, you give a bad first impression, i give you a bad one back, just 10 times worse. People may think that im self centered or irogant, or just plain stuck up... well GUESS WHAT?

Im NONE of the above, i just call it how i see it, and thats how it goes, yea i could be a little stubborn and what not, but i dont bite my tongue. And i know that ur thinking well, think before you speak, I DO!! and just that sometimes some of the stuff that happens to make it way from my mouth, isnt probably what you want to hear, but you know what? TRUTH HURTS, and the less you want to hear, the more it makes its way towards you, and your going to have to accept, weither u think its true or not.

and yea thats the end of my blog, and yea i have returned to that coffee shop, cuz its so super cool, and i needed my daily fix


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